The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently settled a lawsuit against a Subway franchise. The EEOC's lawsuit alleged that the owner of the franchise had instructed the general manager not to hire African American employees or employees who appeared to be African American. The lawsuit further alleged that the owner created a hostile work environment for African American employees by making disparaging remarks based on their race and by stereotyping these employees based on his own racial bias. This discriminatory behavior resulted in the general manager eventually being forced to resign. Such alleged conduct is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination against employees on the basis of their race and prohibits hiring decisions based on race. See EEOC v. Bilal & Aaya Subway, Inc., H & F Subway Inc. and L & H Subway, Inc., Case No. 5:23-cv-00129-D-BM (E.D.N.C.).
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